It’s Over…Next!

For some reason, softball season was grueling this year. It seems there were more games scheduled, up to five a week. I was glad when one of the other players’ grandmother rode with me to the away games. It made the drive to the games pleasant and the girls could keep each other company on the way home, which was especially appreciated when they lost a game. Still, I videoed each game, most with two cameras. I kept one camera in front of me to turn on and off whether Kinzie was on the field or not and the other was what I called a backstop cam. It wasn’t nearly as sophisticated as others I had seen, but, most of the time, it provided excellent footage. If the backstop had loose netting, I couldn’t use the backstop cam and, at other times, the camera would get knocked askew when hit by a ball and I wouldn’t notice it right away. That camera was just a knock-off go-pro style camera that worked best when in a waterproof case and strapped in place. The fish eye lens took in the whole field. Nice. I would set an alarm on my phone to change out the battery after about an hour. Otherwise, that camera just stayed on. We don’t have internet service at most of the ball fields so there was no live streaming. Regardless, after each game, I had a lot of footage to go through and catalog. The season is now over and I am inundated with unprocessed footage to edit and post.

We were all very proud of the girls as they represented our tiny school and won the conference championship. The last championship win was in 2001. The district tournament ended up being a fiasco. There were only three teams in the tournament. It was a double elimination tournament and they decided to play the whole tournament in one day. The problem was how they scheduled the games for the day. Our girls won the first game. Instead of getting a break, they immediately had to play the other team. They lost that game, then had to play the first team again. Three games in one day. If they had won another game, they would have had to play four games that day. The girls also had to groom the field between each game. They were exhausted, and hungry because there was no time to eat lunch. In the third game, they lost to the team they had beaten first and their season was over. It was heartbreaking for them. Even so, we were all very proud of the girls and their winning season.

The day after the district tournament, it was homecoming. Several of the softball girls were also part of the court, including Kinzie. She was representing the softball team and her escort represented the baseball team, even though he was in his football uniform for the game. She was beautiful in the dress that we had borrowed from the Glass Slipper (love that ministry!). As tired as the girls were, they all were beautiful. This is Kinzie and her escort.

A few days after homecoming, Kinzie turned 18. My beautiful girl is all grown up. She has been a huge part of our lives since day one of her life, but we got custody of her when she was eleven years old. When you are done raising your own children, you think those days are over… until it’s time to step in for your grandchildren. This dramatically changed the dynamics of our relationship with each other and we had a lot to learn to navigate those waters. I will say that having her full time in our lives has been truly life-changing and I am honored to have been able to be there for her. Many of you grandparents know that feeling as so many of us have had to take on those responsibilities. I am sorry for the circumstances that brought this girl into our home, but I can honestly say that I have never regretted that decision. As she finishes out her senior year, she is looking into colleges now. I am trying to pivot, once again, to prepare myself that she will be leaving us eventually.

It has been very dry around here lately. for the full month of September, we only got .4 inches of rain. After such a wet spring and early summer, our grass is now brown and crispy to walk on. Not ideal for someone trying to nurture pasture-raised chickens, ducks and pigs.

Since my foot surgery nearly a year ago, I have been sorely aware of my age and limited abilities. Partially disconnecting my Achilles tendon to remove bone spurs and other calcification has led to a much longer recovery period than I had anticipated. Many times, I have lamented our inability to care for our acreage properly and, with me out of commission for so long, I have been made aware that I need to make some changes. I decided that I want to travel. I truly want a camper van so I can take in the country. This means that I would need to sell off some of our acreage to get the funds to purchase the van. My husband is not going for it though and I must put this goal on the back burner for a bit. I am determined though and I will figure out how to get the funds together. I also need to consider my youngest son as he and his wife want to move on to a portion of the property themselves, but they don’t want the full 26 acres either. There’s a lot to consider here.

My last batch of ducklings that I hatched in the incubator are doing well. I ended up with eleven ducklings and they have all proven to be healthy. I did move them out to a chicken tractor after only a few days in the brooder. Duck are just too messy to keep in a brooder long. Because the weather has been warm, they have acclimated well to their new environment. It’s a good thing. This past spring, I believe I started the season with nine ducks and drakes. Recently, they have been disappearing with no indication of a struggle inside the electric net fencing. I have found some puddles of feathers in the vineyard. It could be coyotes, but there is also a bobcat that hangs out that could jump the fence, grab a duck and be back out in the tall grass without ever being seen. I am now down to one duck. Bummer.

My chickens of all ages are together now and my older pullets have just started to lay eggs. It won’t be long before I’ll have to do something about the extra roosters. At this point, I am looking at temperament, build and coloring to determine who gets to stay with the hens.

Even with all the footage I have to go through, it feels good to be able to return to some of my other projects. The video version of Episode 65: Where Can I Get Truthful Information? on the This Grandma’s Life podcast can be seen here.

I know that I am in my sixties, but I don’t think of myself as a senior. Our church invites all the seniors once a month to meet at a restaurant and just enjoy each others’ company. Even though the restaurant was several miles away, I decided that I really wanted to go. For one thing, it was a catfish restaurant and I love good catfish. Another reason was to celebrate the birthday of one of the ladies I sing with during praise and worship during church service. Tom wasn’t feeling well and decided to stay home from work, but ended up feeling good enough to go with me to the Fish Shack in Coweta. I think that someone counted twenty-five people showed up. I was surprised at the turnout, especially since it was a good distance. A new couple in our church rode with us. We had a really good time and ate way too much. I was glad I went and also glad that Tom could go, too.

Even while I was going through so much softball footage, I was able to video some of my projects I was doing around the farm but certainly was not able to get it edited and published. Now, I am trying to edit those videos, only to find that I am missing footage, mostly the wrap up clips to end the video. I’m getting there, though. It is really good to be going back to my normal schedule. Pigs Out On Senior Day can be seen here.

I’ve been able to get some old projects back in the schedule again, too. Yes, I’m still working on the trim for the bathroom. Sometimes, I think I’ll be seventy years old and still trying to finish up the bathroom/closet area.

As you know, I love to read and started a podcast called Books Highlighted. Although I do not do a video recording, audio only is available on most pod catchers. Or, you can listen to the highlighted portions of Dean Koontz’ Tick Tock here:

I’m feeling better with my foot and gaining strength with it daily now. I have finally been able to get back to regular exercise and I am so grateful. I love to move and I am happy to be exercising and doing more of the work I love.

You have now been updated. I pray that you are living the life you want or are at least working toward it. God bless! See you next time.

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