Just a Grandma Trying to Survive Softball Season

My days have been filled with scrambling to get things done so I can attend a softball game, up to five a week. I video them and so, the next day, I spend a lot of time transferring and cataloging the footage so I can get back out there start again.

I’ve had some losses on the farm. Suddenly, I’m down to two ducks and one drake with no evidence of how they disappeared. It’s late in the season, but I started 24 duck eggs to incubate. We’ll see what my hatch rate is on this batch. I did manage to get a short video of some Dominique Chicks in an incubator. It’s only a few seconds long and can be seen here.

Because softball season is in full swing, I have been researching new and easy crock pot recipes. A recent one I found is Crockpot Lasagna. I decided to make a video about it to share it with others. It can be seen here. And yes, it was very good!

I told about the injury that Kinzie sustained at a softball game on my last blog post. The other night, after sliding into base, she went down again, and didn’t get up. She’s good at sliding, unless the defender is in the way and they get tangled up. I was on the field as quickly as I could, truly planning the best way for me to carry her off the field if necessary. The logical side of me knew she was in good hands and would be helped off the field, but I was determined to be there and to carry her myself if needed. And you’ve got to know, I certainly could have and would have. After getting her the ice, I sat back down and had a small case of the shakes and really wanted to cry. I was surprised at how strongly I reacted. One the way home, Kinzie told me that she didn’t need me on the field when she got hurt because she was going to be just fine. I told her that I was going to be there, no matter what and actually did start crying then. What a wuss! She sprained her ankle pretty good, but we got ice on it quickly and she has done an excellent job of caring for her ankle. There is still swelling and bruising, but she got her foot taped up and played an exceptional game last night.

Yes, I know I am over reacting when she gets hurt. I will work to hold back in the future. I just feel so protective of her. She came from a rough situation when we first got custody of her and I vowed that I would be her solid rock, no matter what. That scared eleven year old little girl will turn eighteen in about three weeks. She’s beautiful, petite, smart, and tough as a boot, with a kind heart. She’s going to be just fine. The jury is still out for me. I’m crying as I write this.

A few years ago, the pastor of my church asked if I would like to set up the voting booths for the various elections: school board, county, federal, etc. The day before an election, I rearrange and store tables and chairs, set up cardboard voting booths and wheel in the base to the voting machine. The day of the election, I make sure everyone is comfortable and make coffee for them if they want it. The day after, I return the room into a Sunday School classroom. On bigger elections, I set up extra voting booths and table partitions to accommodate more voters. We are a very small town and many of the elections only have five to thirty people even eligible to vote at our location. Yesterday’s election was for a nearby school board and a total of thirteen people voted–all day long. On the other hand, the last presidential election had people lined up out the door and around the corner two buildings away.

The leader of the Rogers County Election Board met with the pastor and myself to assess moving to the fellowship hall for the upcoming presidential election. We assessed public safety, space, parking, handicapped accommodations and how much more equipment we would need to be prepared for the large numbers of voters expected. It was interesting to be a part of the conversation and I learned a lot. Looks like my work will be cut out for me in November!

That’s pretty much all I have for you this week. I pray that things are going well for you and that life keeps you busy too.

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